Frontline Playwork Award 2017

Frontline Playwork Awardipa-2016

Sponsored by: International Play Association, England, Wales and Northern Ireland branch

Last year’s recipient was: Hackney Marsh Adventure Playground 



  • Kirsty Wilson
  • Nathan MacGillivray
  • Martin King – Sheard

We are looking for somewhere where brilliant, awesome playwork takes place. This is about direct provision with children and young people. It is not for a headquarter organization nor for a group of settings. It is for one specific playwork setting. It could be any sort of provision whether based in a building or not. The judgment will not be based on numbers of participants nor on the amount of time that it delivers. But it has to be a regular and not a ‘one-off’ provision.

What the judges are looking for:

  1. How does the provision demonstrate its commitment to the playwork principles?
  2. What evidence can you give that what it does is playwork?
  3. What does it offer that is above and beyond what would normally be expected in a playwork provision: what is it that sets it above the norm – that makes it brilliant and awesome?
  4. What are the training and qualifications of staff?
  5. How does the promotion of the playwork ethos and principles to the wider community take place?
  6. In what ways does it support inclusion of ALL children and their families?

Click here to download the nomination form.